Meeting Time: April 03, 2024 at 1:00pm EDT
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Agenda Item

19.2. 24-216 Permitted Recreational Activities at the Ragged Mountain Natural Area.

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    Ian Weber 6 months ago

    Ragged Mountain Natural Area has the best beginner trails in the area by far. My partner is currently getting into off-road cycling and has loved learning on these trails. Other biking trails in the area (Heyward, Ohill, Mint springs) are far beyond her current skill level. I can't emphasize enough how important these trails are to beginner cyclists in the area. Please consider changing this policy.

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    Todd Hochrein 6 months ago

    Please allow bike use to continue in the Ragged Mountain Natural Area. The roads are becoming more and more dangerous. I spent the night in the UVA ICU after being hit by a truck while road bike riding in Albemarle County in late 2022. It is a benefit to the citizens of Albemarle County to have more off-road riding options.

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    John Trentanove 6 months ago

    Please revise your regulations and institute shared use and single use trails inRagged Mountain Reservoir. I have been a cyclist and hiker at Ragged Mtn for years. It is a trail system where a beginner rider can feel safe. The Hayward trails are mostly for more advanced riders. It has been stated that the water level will be increased by 12 feet and many of the existing trails will be underwater. Why is the BOS acted against the community who has provided free labor to build the new trails. In fact The Charlottesville Area Mountain Bile Club (CAMBC) volunteers built and maintained these trails. CAMBC has also offered to build separate bike only trails plus multi use trails. Please reconsider changing these restrictive policies.

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    Keith Jackson 6 months ago

    The Charlottesville mountain bike community has spent significant time building Charlottesville trails. We have raised and donated money to maintain or build new trails over the course of years. I was one of many mountain bikers who labored by hand to build these Ragged Mountain Reservoir trails. It's insulting that on a technicality a few individuals were able to overturn access to this beautiful park and strip away the hard work and love that we put in to enjoy this natural environment.

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    David Kutassy 6 months ago

    Multi-use access at Ragged Mountain needs to be restored for the city of Charlottesville. RWSA are the subject matter experts on managing the water quality of Ragged Mountain Reservoir. These experts who monitor the water quality have openly said multi-use activities at Ragged Mountain is unlikely to effect the safety of our water from this reservoir. Over these past few years this position was thoroughly put to the test while Ragged Mountain did have thousands of mountain bikers, trail runners, hikers, kayakers SUP boarders, bird watchers and families outside enjoying the beautiful outdoor space at Ragged Mountain. RWSA maintains that the water quality has not been impacted by these activities. The outdated county code causing recreational restrictions at Ragged Mountain is blatantly in need of an update to accurately represent the objective reality that multi-use outdoor recreation at Ragged Mountain is not a danger to our water quality.

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    Mark McCardell 6 months ago

    We have lived in the Whitehall district (Crozet) for almost 20yrs. We have enjoyed using the county parks and trails including Ragged Mnt. Ragged Mnt in particular has trails that are child friendly. It has been a great joy to see those families, toddlers in strollers, kids on strider bikes and mom & dad hiking along with them. Utterly baffling to me when I discovered the county has an outdated law that banned those activities due to "water quality issues". I'm sorry, but the science is just not there. That is according to your own water authority. I find exceptionally difficult to believe the BoS is going to enforce this ban on children playing around Ragged.
    Failure to revoke this archaic law that directly impacts families and children, will send a clear signal: The BoS is not child/family friendly.

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    Randy Reed 6 months ago

    My name is Randy Reed and our residence is in Batesville. My wife, 10 year old daughter and I would like to be able to continue to ride our bicycles at Ragged Mountain Reservoir. They are both beginners and Ragged Mountain and Preddy Creek are two key areas where beginners can easily learn to ride. However, because of where we reside in the county, Preddy Creek requires 90 minutes of driving round trip. We are perplexed and dismayed to learn that the supervisors that voted against the use of bicycles at Ragged Mountain have stated that this is a water quality issue. The prevailing experts on this matter, the RWSA have stated repeatedly and reaffirmed recently, that there are no such issues with bicycle use at Ragged Mountain Reservoir. The Reed family urges you to reconsider the county's position based upon the real facts in hand from the authority on the matter and reinstate multi-use trails. Thank you for your time. - Randy Reed

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    Ben Calhoun 6 months ago

    My family of six has immensely enjoyed using the trails at Ragged Mountain Natural Area for mountain biking, jogging, and picnicking (along with hiking) as we raised our children here in Albemarle County. The Ragged Mountain trails have become our favorite spot for an easily accessible ride or run. Now that the County controls the regulations at Ragged Mountain, please change the code to be permissive of these healthy, family-friendly activities!
    The Rivanna Water & Sewer Authority has made it clear that biking and other outdoor activities on trails at county reservoirs do not negatively affect the water. Also, the last 8 years of shared use has seen an increase in trail use and improved trails (including by volunteers) without serious negative issues arising; it's a real world experiment that shows how shared use can further promote this precious resource!
    Please update the code to allow these activities that help make our home such a wonderful place to live and raise families!

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    Aaron Bernard 6 months ago

    I support revising the county code to allow multi-use trails at Ragged Mountain Natural Area. I recognize and respect the County's jurisdictional authority and support protecting water quality. Now that this has been resolved, the BoS has a tremendous opportunity to fix the code so it remains effective at preventing pollution of the water supply without limiting healthy, non-polluting outdoor activities. The county code restricting certain kinds of use around our reservoirs no longer reflects the research, expert opinion or the will of the people. The RWSA reservoir monitoring during the last 8 years, the time when trail access was in litigation and shared use was the norm, shows no degradation
    in water quality at Ragged Mountain Reservoir. Our kids, families, and community treasure our outdoor spaces, where we can safely play, explore, and engage with nature. We need as any ways for our community to interact with outdoor spaces as possible.

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    John Compton 6 months ago

    As a cyclist, hiker, volunteer, member of the Charlottesville community, and former high school coach, I request the BoS re-consider the reservoir code and change it.
    The Rivanna Water & Sewer Authority has repeatedly commented on biking and other healthy outdoor activities on all trails at all of the county reservoirs. The RWSA specifically indicates that they “do not anticipate any significant impact on water quality” from recreational uses including “hiking, biking, running...” on the trails around ANY of the county reservoirs. The Albemarle County code restricting certain kinds of use around our reservoirs no longer reflects the research, expert opinion or the will of the people. We need as many ways for our community to interact with outdoor spaces as possible and the Ragged Mountain area is a big place! There is room for everyone on the trails at Ragged.
    John Compton

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    Erik Prichard 6 months ago

    I moved my family here from Washington State for the closeness to recreational activities and to be around others who share a love of the outdoors and responsible recreation. Ragged Mtn Reservoir is a wonderful asset to the community offering a nearby retreat to the forest to rejuvenate and recharge from the hustle and bustle of city life. To take away opportunities for activities the pose no threat to water quality is a disservice to the community. In the current global situation we find ourselves in (politically, technologically, and environmentally), what we need most is the ability to find peace and serenity nearby to balance the stress of our lives. I ask you to reconsider this out-dated policy that allows very specific recreation while discriminating against others who prefer other means of trail use that does no harm to water quality. For our kids, for our community, I ask you to open this wonderful resource for all to responsibly enjoy. Thank you.

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    Matthew Spitzer 6 months ago

    I support revising the county code to allow multi-use trails at Ragged Mountain Natural Area. In just a few years, this location has become a gem in the greater Charlottesville/Albemarle area for outdoor recreation. City and County residents, and the UVA community have become regular visitors here. During the same time RWSA has improved their water treatment processes to make the prior restrictions unnecessary. My kids and I have spent many days hiking, fishing, and biking there. The new trails being built are wonderful additions to what had previously been an underused resource. Public lands should be enjoyed, especially one so near to the urban center of our community. Thank you for considering the needed update to the county code. Future citizens, voters, and residents will thank you.

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    Christian McMillen 6 months ago

    The county should allow mountain bikes at Ragged Mountain. There is no evidence that mountain bikes harm water quality. CAMBC, the local mountain bike club, has added immeasurably to the enjoyment of Ragged Mountain by building and maintaining trails. The club has also fostered a culture of shared use which I especially appreciate as I do not use the trails for mountain biking. Thank you.

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    Richard Pence 6 months ago

    For many years here has been very safe and successful shared use of the trails at the Ragged Mt Reservoir by hikers, runners and mountain bikers. There has been no negative impact to the environment or water quality as a result of this shared use of trails. Therefore it makes perfect sense to support making changes the county code to allow for this successful shared use to continue in the future, thus reinstating use by trail runners and mountain bikers. Please make the necessary changes to the county code to allow runners and mountain bikers to continue to enjoy these wonderful trails.

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    Gwendolyn Hall 6 months ago

    My name is Gwendolyn Hall and I live at 805 Stonehenge Avenue in Charlottesville Virginia. Greetings and thank you for considering changing the ordinance for shared use trails at Ragged mountain reservoir. As a mountain biker, trail runner, business owner and public trail work volunteer; I would like to request that the board of supervisors revisit their ruling for shared use at ragged mountain reservoir. Mountain bikers, runners and walkers have shared this trail system successfully for the past 10 years with no documented adverse effects to the users or the public water source. It is within your jurisdiction re-enable the continuance of this vital community connection. The use of these trails by groups with multiple interests also results in assistance with maintenance of the trails from their respective volunteer parties and clubs such as CAMBC. The benefit of well maintained trails for the entire public would be a positive result without any extra cost to the county. Thank you!

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    Becky Billingsley 6 months ago

    As a CAMBC and community member, I ask that you re-consider the reservoir code. Trail cyclists in our area regularly collaborate with other groups in our community (other non profits, UVA) to build sustainable trail systems in the area. We are also building a community of people to share these trails (in addition to the trails themselves) and emphasize the importance of trail etiquette and sharing of the trails.

    We are very respectful of our natural resources, including our water supply. We do not believe that biking on the Ragged trails will damage water supply. In fact, RWSA reservoir monitoring during the last 8 years (with regular shared use including bikers) shows no degradation in water quality at Ragged Mountain Reservoir. RWSA has said that they “do not anticipate any significant impact on water quality” from recreational uses (including biking).

    Please reconsider the code and open the Ragged Mountain Reservoir trails to all users- bikers included.
    Becky Billingsley

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    Samuel Lindblom 6 months ago

    As a volunteer and community member, I ask that you re-consider the reservoir code. The cyclists in our area work harder than any other group to build and maintain a set of trails for all users, including hiker only, in our community. We care about our water supply, our environment. We work with virtually every agency, other non profits, UVA, ecology experts to build sustainable trails.

    We also TEACH: We teach and share trail etiquette, and there have been essentially if not zero trail incidents at Ragged. Please don't use poor information or assumptions about who we are to make decisions.

    CAMBC and the mountain bikers are part of the solution, not the problem. Let us lead, let us collaborate with our community.

    Ragged is a big place, there is room for plenty of hiker only trails. In fact, the loop itself is nearly 7 miles! Its perfect for sharing, which is what we've done for many many years.

    Sam Lindblom

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    Katelyn Unterborn 6 months ago

    I am a regular runner at Ragged Mountain Reservoir. This is an excellent recreation spot for families, runners, bikers, and hikers. The research supports that these activities do not affect the water quality. Taking away this free, easily accessible, and safe place would be a huge hit to our outdoor community. The idea that this area would be closed down goes against what the people you represent want. This entire situation seems like a petty argument between the counties but it is the people who would be affected. Please consider keeping Ragged Mountain open to recreational activities.

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    Sophie Speidel, School Counselor 6 months ago

    I'm writing today as a trail runner and biker who has had the privilege to enjoy the Ragged Mountain Reservoir and the beautiful trail system. The Rivanna Water & Sewer Authority has repeatedly commented on biking and other healthy outdoor activities on all trails at all of the county reservoirs. The RWSA specifically indicates that they “do not anticipate any significant impact on water quality” from recreational uses including “hiking, biking, running...” on the trails around ANY of the county reservoirs. The RWSA reservoir monitoring during the last 8 years, the time when trail access was in litigation and shared use was the norm, shows no degradation in water quality at Ragged Mountain Reservoir. The Albemarle County code restricting certain kinds of use around our reservoirs no longer reflects the research, expert opinion or the will of the people. We need as many ways for our community to interact with outdoor spaces as possible.
    Respectfully Submitted,
    Sophie Speidel