Meeting Time: April 03, 2024 at 1:00pm EDT
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Agenda Item

19.2. 24-216 Permitted Recreational Activities at the Ragged Mountain Natural Area.

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    Turner Tilman 6 months ago

    My name is Turner Tilman and am a 3rd generation Charlotteville resident. My family and I are avid outdoor enthusiasts and utilize all of the trail systems in the area. The Ragged Mountain Natural Area has been a great resource for us for hiking, running, and biking. My children absolutely love riding their bikes on these trails, and it's a tough thing to explain to them that they can no longer ride there. I understand that there's an old code that's being used as the excuse to prevent access, and it seems like a simple solution to just amend this code. I've seen first-hand the incredible work CAMBC has done with other trail systems in the area and would highly suggest working with them to come to a solution that benefits all users of this wonderful Charlottesville resource. Thank you!

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    Kim Rambow 6 months ago

    I've come to enjoy mountain biking in my 40's as a way to get out in nature and exercise. The cycling community brings the love of the sport to folks of all ages and abilities. My daughter rode on mountain bike teams here since she was in 3rd grade. Since then, the number of children, tweens and teens who participate has only grown. We are a town that hosts mountain bike racing for the VA High School League and students at MHS have designed the course for one of the races. All three of our high schools now boast having a mountain bike team. We are a leader in how we support this sport. I am puzzled as to why access to the trails is being restricted. Bike use does not pose a risk to water quality per an assessment from our own Water and Sewer Authority. This is an issue of equity that the county espouses as a value. Why would we support some having access and not others? Please support a change in the code at Ragged Mountain and not discriminate against cyclists.

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    Brett Nicol 6 months ago

    My name is Brett Nicol, a Charlottesville area resident going on ten years currently living in the county. One of the reasons we've stayed in Albermarle is the great park systems in the city and county, and community organizations like the Rivanna Trails Foundation, CAMBC, and the VAHS. Over the years I've made hundreds of trips around the reservoir as a biker/hiker/birdwatcher and have never had negative experiences with any other trail users. As a volunteer coach with a local high school team, it is a key resource for our younger and beginner riders. The trails around Ragged are one of the first that allow users to get the feel of being in the mountains without having to make a strenuous climb to the top. This sentiment is echoed by my wife's 2nd-grade students and my friend's 2-year-old who just wants to "Wide Wagged" on Dad's bike any sunny day! Amend the code to let all users recognize this wonderful park while following RWSA guidance!

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    Douglas Burns 6 months ago

    My name is Douglas Burns and I have been a resident of Albemarle County since 1998. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed the public access to hiking and biking trails in the county since 1998 when it was very limited. The trails and popularity of mountain biking have grown significantly and have added to our community. Mountain biking is a socially engaging, low impact, excellent form of recreation. Trail access close to town is paramount to riders and growing the community.
    I urge this committee to realize that there is no risk to water contamination from biking. Rather is it a climate friendly activity and these trails reduce the amount of driving that many would need to make to get to quality trails if the area is closed.
    Please consider the overall benefits of open shared trails. They bring joy to our community. Please keep them open.

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    Rip Verkerke 6 months ago

    I’m a resident of Bellair, and I spend a lot of time hiking around the Ragged Mtn Reservoir and on connecting trails. The current restrictions on permitted uses at the reservoir are unjustified.
    • Water quality will be unaffected by permitting a much wider array of uses. That’s what RWSA officials have said very recently, and no one would know better.
    • Trail conflicts have been essentially nonexistent during the time the loop trail has been open to bikers and runners. Even during peak hours. the volume of use is quite manageable, and hikers encounter very few other users, who are uniformly respectful.
    • Significant financial investment from CAMBC and an army of volunteers have dramatically improved the sustainability of existing trails and created new sustainable routes that are accessible to all users.
    • Finally, this land is a public park as well as a reservoir. It is entirely appropriate that we try to accommodate as many types of uses as possible in this important public space.

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    Jim Neale 6 months ago

    I hope the BOS will continue to encourage active, outdoor, healthy and inclusive activity for all o by allowing biking at Ragged Mountain. I'm convinced that the best way to encourage conservation of anything is to encourage people to responsibly enjoy it. It be shame to needlessly exclude a significant part of the community by prohibiting bicycles from Ragged Mountain. Maintaining multi-use access will improve constituent satisfaction, increase our area's attractiveness to newcomers, improve physical and mental health and give more residents a stake in the environmental health of the RM Natural Area.
    Thanks, Jim Neale.

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    Andrew Kinley 6 months ago

    Dear Board of Supervisors,
    I've been a Charlottesville city resident since 1996 and love the beautiful Blue Ridge mountains. My family and I enjoy the outdoors including mountain biking, trail running, horseback riding, and hiking. As a long-time member and new board member of the Charlottesville Area Mountain Bike Club (CAMBC) I support environmentally responsible healthy outdoor activities for all members of the community across multiple types of trail use. Please consider the messages from your constituents and broader community requesting that the Ragged Mountain Natural Area code includes environmentally friendly outdoor activities like trail running and mountain biking.
    Thank you,
    Andy Kinley

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    Christian Sheridan 6 months ago

    My name is Christian Sheridan and I’ve been a resident of Albemarle County for over 17 years, I have always cherished the outdoor activities that our community offers. These activities not only promote a healthy lifestyle but also foster a sense of community and appreciation for our natural surroundings.

    The Ragged Mountain trails, in particular, have been a perfect setting for my young daughter to begin mountain biking. They offer a safe and enjoyable environment for younger riders to learn and develop their skills. The prohibition of mountain biking in this area is a significant loss for families like mine who value these outdoor experiences.

    I urge you to reconsider this decision and to recognize the positive impact that mountain biking has on our community. Please allow us to continue to enjoy and share the beauty of Ragged Mountain with our children.

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    Bill Scanlon 6 months ago

    My name is Bill Scanlon - I have been a resident of Albemarle Co since 2002. We are blessed by the beauty this area presents with its many park & recreational areas that encompass Albemarle Co and beyond. What sets Ragged apart is the trail that surrounds the water as well as its central location from all points Albemarle County. My family and I have used and helped maintain for many years the very trails you now say we cannot use. As a coach of a local high school, we are excited for the days we could use the Ragged trail system in full. The trails should be open to all and I ask the BOS to make fact based decisions and not discriminate on the usage of "public" trails. There are well organized and conscientious groups willing to work with the board for the purpose of "shared usage" while preserving the very trails being used. I would encourage you to reconsider your position and make decisions that are for the betterment of the entire community.

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    Porter Smith 6 months ago

    My name is Porter Smith. I’m a 4th generation resident of Albemarle County. We feel blessed to have such a wonderful outdoor area as Ragged Mtn. It provides much healthy & environmentally friendly activity to ALL of our residents regardless of socio economic status. Additionally, because of its location, it allows many residents to utilize the area w/out the need to drive many miles as many other parks & rec areas would necessitate. it is my desire that the leaders for whom i have great respect will change the county code to recognize the science & reality that running & mtn biking don't cause degradation of our water supply as has been recognized by the Authority charged with protecting our water supply. They reported several years ago & reaffirmed their stance reporting they “do not anticipate any significant impact on water quality” from recreational uses including “hiking, biking, running...” on the trails around ANY of the county reservoirs.

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    Annette Dusenbury 6 months ago

    I have lived in Charlottesville (City) for 20 years and have been actively involved in the building and maintaining of many trail systems both in the County and the City, alongside CAMBC. Through them I have learned how to build sustainable trail for all users and how to work together with other organizations/land managers, all with the common goal to get people into the great outdoors. We all know that Ragged is a truly special place, and it is incredibly sad to restrict that for reasons that have clearly been shown to be no longer relevant to our water supply. On a personal note, it is also one of the only places in the area that I and many of my friends feel safe to ride or hike alone, to really embrace the quiet that we all seek after a busy day. I kindly ask the County to revisit the code and allow a shared Loop around Ragged so that ALL users can appreciate nature and in turn inspire them to preserve it.

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    Greg Horridge 6 months ago

    My name is Greg Horridge. My family & I are longtime Albemarle residents & taxpayers. We feel blessed to have such a wonderful outdoor area as Ragged Mtn.It provides much healthy & environmentally friendly activity to ALL of our residents regardless of socio economic status. Additionally, because of its location, it allows many residents to utilize the area w/out the need to drive many miles as many other parks & rec areas would necessitate. it is my desire that the leaders for whom i have great respect will change the county code to recognize the science & reality that running & mtn biking don't cause degradation of our water supply as has been recognized by the Authority charged with protecting our water supply. They reported several years ago & reaffirmed their stance reporting they “do not anticipate any significant impact on water quality” from recreational uses including “hiking, biking, running...” on the trails around ANY of the county reservoirs.

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    Eric Magrum 6 months ago

    My name is Eric Magrum, I am a City of Charlottesville Resident for 25 years. I have been a member of CAMBC for > 20 years, and am now a Board Member. I feel like being part of the CAMBC Board is one important way I can give back to our community. I have spent hundreds, if not thousands of hours working on design, planning, construction, maintenance, and improvements on sustainable trails in our community. I have gotten to know, and work with so many community partners through trail work over the past 20 years. CAMBC are the trail stewards in our community for every trail system in the City, County, and UVA. We will continue to offer our expertise, sweat, and what we always call “The Volunteer Army”, to improve our community’s sustainable trail network for outdoor recreation of every type, for every user. The overwhelming support from our community to "change the code" to allow shared use, including cycling, at Ragged Mountain has been evident in the past few weeks. Thanks

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    Charlotte Rogers 6 months ago

    Please change the code. Running and biking at Ragged offer irreplaceable benefits for constituent recreation, mental health, and community building. As a 10 year resident, I can say with certainty that running and biking at Ragged is part of what makes living in Charlottesville wonderful. These activities do not negatively affect the water supply, nor do they damage the surrounding landscape. Please change the code.

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    Susan Feild 6 months ago

    My name is Susan Feild, a Charlottesville native and bike community member. I'm profoundly disappointed by your recent decision to pressure the City into banning biking at Ragged Mountain Reservoir. This undermines the collaborative efforts and trust-building within the community to establish inclusive trails for all to enjoy. Kindly revise the county code to permit runners and mountain bikers to keep enjoying these fantastic trails.

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    Rachel Lloyd Miller 6 months ago

    Dear Alb BoS, I am sorry not to attend tonight‘s meeting in person, but want to be sure to add my voice to all those advocating for a change in the code, which prohibits almost every beneficial outdoor activity from occurring at Ragged Mountain Reservoir. As we know, use of our outdoor spaces is good for individuals, families, and our community as a whole. And, we are incredibly fortunate to have such beautiful & accessible natural spaces throughout our region. One of the most significant benefits that Ragged Mountain offers is its accessibility. It can be easily reached without getting into a motorized vehicle. There are, alas, only a few outdoor spaces with miles of trails that are so easily accessed. As a teacher, a mother and a coach, I have witnessed many times the significant mental and physical health benefits that are a direct result of access to nature via activities like biking and running. Let us please ensure those benefits remain and are accessible to all of us.

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    Laurie Brenner 6 months ago

    Please change the code! Shared use is essential to our community --- trails should be for everyone. Ragged Mountain is a gem that is valued by all, close to town, relatively flat non-technical trails that are great for beginners. Let's welcome all - bikers, runners, hikers of all ages - to the great outdoors. Thank you, from a family with young children who will treat this area with respect and grow up to be the next stewards of our environment.

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    Lee French 6 months ago

    The closure of the ragged mountain reservoir trails to cyclists disproportionately affects beginners, families and children. While there are adjacent multi-use trails in Heyward Forest and Song Mountain these networks are inherently advanced creating non-inclusive access with a steep barrier for entry. The reservoir loop is the easiest navigable and most beginner friendly trail in town. Please update the code accordingly to re-establish access. 

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    Kurt Peterson 6 months ago

    Please reverse the language banning mountain biking, running, and other activities at the Ragged Mountain Reservoir. My son and I loved the lake loop on our bikes, and it was one of the few areas trails that was at his ability level. The assumption that it caused water quality issues has been disproven by the study done by Rivanna Water before the pandemic, so it makes no sense unless there is another reason not being made public. Cycling is a wonderful way for area families and kids to connect with nature. Do what's right for the public at large and make this change!

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    Bill Dister 6 months ago

    I am a 10 year resident of the White Hall/Crozet area. Please consider re-opening the Ragged Mountain Natural area to cyclists. Most of the other options in this area are far beyond the skill set of children and new trail cyclists. Ragged Mountain has been used for years without damage to the water quality and with consistent volunteer support to trail maintenance. This area is an amazing resource to families in the area and should not shut off from use.