Meeting Time: April 03, 2024 at 1:00pm EDT
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Agenda Item

19.2. 24-216 Permitted Recreational Activities at the Ragged Mountain Natural Area.

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    Bobby Casteen 6 months ago

    Hello, I am a Albemarle county resident and live in the White Hall district. I am a member of CAMBC, and on the board. I writing to ask that you consider changing the county code related to Ragged Mountain and user access, to include running and biking. This park is a precious resource for our community and should be available for all to use for healthy outdoor activity. Being so close to the city allows for people to access by running or biking and not having to drive so far as to get to other parks. I work at the UVa Hospital and it is so convenient to go there after work and be riding within 10-15 minutes. Our club(CAMBC) is prepared to work with all parties involved to find solutions that would allow all users to access this beautiful space. Thank You.

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    Chris Faunce 6 months ago

    My family has enjoyed RMH on walks, runs dog walks,and bike rides since I moved to VA in 2005. What a treasure our nature areas our to the communites health. Please change the code to allow the activites .running biking dog walking that helped build my character in my children and dogs thru these activites.
    Thank you Chris Faunce Crozet VA

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    Matt Hegemier 6 months ago

    Dear Albemarle Board of Supervisors, Thank you for revisiting the old code prohibiting healthy outdoor activity at the Ragged Mountain Reservoir. I'm an Albemarle County resident since 1976 and treasure the Ragged Mountain trail system. My two kids who are students at UVA, my wife who works at UVA and my son at WAHS all spend time on the trail system. The trail system is well designed and well maintained by local volunteers. It is reassuring to note that the RWSA has reaffirmed that healthy outdoor activity at Ragged Mountain does not effect water quality. Thank you for your consideration to update the decades old code that prohibits healthy outdoor activity at Ragged Mountain.

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    Brian Carlton 6 months ago

    Representative Andrews and all of the board,

    I have been living in Redfields for seven years now, and have really enjoyed riding the Rivanna Trail over towards ragged Mountain Reservoir. It has been a real joy and interactions with Hikers and birdwatchers has been very few. I have also learned from, our water department that this activity does not cause problems with the reservoir water. I urge you to change the ordinance that allows multi use of the trail. It allows so many people, families and children a great source of outside activity. Please follow your wild outside heart and change that ordinance . Thank you.

    Brian Carlton,

    827 Fieldhaven Dr.

    Charlottesville, Virginia, 22903.

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    Bryan Shipley 6 months ago

    Dear Albemarle Board of Supervisors, thank you for revisiting the 40 year old code prohibiting healthy outdoor activity at the Ragged Mountain Reservoir. Multi-user access including biking, train running, etc in the Ragged Mountain area provides a positive healthy community outlet that has shown to not jeopardize our community water quality. As an Albemarle County resident for the last 3 years, the Ragged Mtn trail system has become a local favorite for mountain biking, hiking, and trail running. With no impact to our water quality, I ask you to change the code to continue to allow mountain biking at Ragged Mountain. Thank you, Bryan

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    Scott Smith 6 months ago

    I have been an Albemarle County resident for more than 30 years, having raised 3 children in a place where we have treasured having the opportunities to enjoy outdoor recreational activities. I am writing to petition the BofS to PLEASE consider changing the code to allow additional outdoor activities at the Ragged Mountain Reservoir. I am a trail runner, mountain biker, hiker and nature photographer and have (often with my family) used RMR for all of these pursuits — often mutliple times each week. I have so often seen runners, hikers, bikers there enjoying the trails, particularly the reservoir loop. I would like to respectfully ask that these activities not be restricted. In the many, many times I've been there using the trails, there has been nothing but a shared sense of enjoyment with the other users we meet. Further, I know it has been raised an issue of these activities impacting water quality. It is my understanding that the RSWA did a study and indicated this is not a issue.

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    Tom Weis 6 months ago

    Dear Board of Supervisors,
    As an Albemarle County resident, I strongly support that the trail system around the reservoir be open to mountain biking. I am an avid mountain biker and long time resident (35 years) of Albemarle County.
    Tom Weis
    3887 Taylors Mtn Farm Lane
    Charlottesville, Va
    434 409 9935

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    Patrick Norton 6 months ago

    As an active member of the Charlottesville/Albemarle outdoor community, I am writing to request that the county code be changed to allow biking at the Ragged Mountain Natural Area. This community resource is spectacular and should be shared with all members of our community, allowing them to exercise in the way they choose. My family and I have spent many hours enjoying biking, hiking, and canoeing in this area. The trails got them excited about being outside on their bikes. This resource is enjoyed my many bikers because of the close proximity to Charlottesville, the sustainable and beginner friendly construction of the trails, the ease of access and natural surrounding beauty. Please change the code to allow access for biking. Thank you.

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    Scott Ransom 6 months ago

    Dear Board of Supervisors: I've lived in the county and recently the city for the last 20 years and the Ragged Mountain trail system is an incredibly valuable resource. I strongly support the use of those trails by all users -- including cyclists -- as long as they does not endanger the water supply (and RWSA says cycling would not). I ask that you update the regulations so that this can happen. Thank you for your commitment to our county.

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    Morgan Reitz 6 months ago

    Dear BOS, I have been a local C resident for over 12 years in Albemarle County and City of Charlottesville. I am writing about the recent decision to eliminate biking at Ragged Mountain Reservoir. Ragged Mountain is a place where I bike weekly with a group of women. It is a place that is safe, beginner-friendly, and close to all of our houses. Ragged Mountain is an incredible place where we can exercise to maintain healthy bodies and minds. We value the other hikers, walkers, trail runners that we would see and loved sharing the trails with them. Having a variety of activities happening at Ragged Mountain make it a vibrant and very enjoyable place to exercise, mediate, and come together as a community in nature. Rivanna Water and Sewer Authority has stated that hiking, biking, and running on the trails does not harm our drinking water. I request an up pdate the code to allow for shared use trails at Ragged Mountain and all county reservoirs. Thank you.

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    Rachel Thielmann 6 months ago

    I am not a cyclist but walk on these trails regularly. I fully support these trails being used for biking My experiences with cyclists on other multi use trails are always positive. Cyclists are polite and we typically share exchanges about how appreciative we are for the natural beauty right here in our community. There is no negative environmental impact from bikes and the cycling community’s stewardship of our trail system demonstrates their care and commitment to these areas. Please vote to allow cyclists access to the Ragged Mountain trail system.

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    Mason Riffee 6 months ago

    My name is Mason; I’m a resident of Charlottesville for the past six years. Though the Outdoors Club at UVA, I’ve taught dozens of students and local residents to mountain bike, and I’ve seen firsthand how biking improves people’s lives through physical activity and exposure to the outdoors.

    I've spent dozens of hours digging and maintaining trails in Albemarle and Charlottesville, so that others in the community can utilize and enjoy this wonderful resource. I do not want to see this hard work nullified by the recent decision to restrict bicycle access at Ragged Mountain. Mountain biking is safe for the reservoir’s water quality, and perfectly compatible with other trail uses such as running and hiking. Please reconsider this decision, as it has affected well over a thousand local residents. Refer to the signatures list below; it is growing every day.

    Petition · Change the Ordinance: Reinstatement of Shared Use (Cycling) at Ragged Mountain Reservoir - United States ·

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    Matthew Schmachtenberg 6 months ago

    I've been a resident of the area for 8 years (currently in the City) and have hiked and biked around Ragged dozens of times. It's my favorite place to ride my bike in town, and it's a major loss. It is one of the only places in town where beginners and kids can ride safely and have fun, and I've always experienced cyclists being respectful to other trail users. With RWSA affirming that there are no adverse affects to water quality from the trails being multi-use, I think the code should be immediately amended to allow hiking, running, and cycling. I am also fully open to some form of compromise involving dedicated hiking days and cycling days, or working to build more separated bike / walking trails. I just think in one form or fashion the trails should be open to all.

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    Dan Ray 6 months ago

    One of the best things about Charlottesville and the surrounding area is our access to a variety of outdoor activities within our community. The multi-use trails at Ragged Mountain are one of our local gems, and I would like to add my voice to those requesting access for all users on the trails. I have used them as a hiker, jogger and cyclist, and helped build several of the trails. There is no negative impact on the water supply, according to RWSA. Permitting all users would increase access, and promote development and maintenance of trails in the area. Thank you for your consideration.

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    Jonathan Ciambotti 6 months ago

    Dear Albemarle Board of Supervisors, thank you for revisiting the 40 year old code prohibiting healthy outdoor activity at the Ragged Mountain Reservoir. For the last 8 years, my family has enjoyed the Ragged Mountain trail system, including nature photography, hiking, running and cycling. We have encountered many other trail users during this time and we have never had a negative interaction. The trail system is well designed and well maintained by local volunteers. It is reassuring to note that the RWSA has reaffirmed that healthy outdoor activity at Ragged Mountain does not effect water quality. Thank you for your consideration to update the decades old code that prohibits healthy outdoor activity at Ragged Mountain.

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    Matthew Panzarella 6 months ago

    I would like to voice my support for changing the code to allow additional activities at Ragged Mountain. My 2 boys enjoy running and mountain biking on the reservoir loop. We often see friends and neighbors on our adventures out there and it adds to our sense of community. I have also witnessed the county and city high school mountain bike teams practicing at Ragged Mtn. The loop provides a convenient safe central location for them to practice. Please consider changing the code to be more inclusive of outdoor activities. Sincerely, Matthew Panzarella, 1843 Winston Rd.

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    Bridge Cox 6 months ago

    To BOS,
    Having been a resident of the Charlottesville area for 25+ years now, I have found the use of Ragged Mountain area for outdoor pursuits invaluable. I used the area before bikes and after bikes, but noticeably, taking back the access for bicyclists to use the area would be a boondoggle. The amount of work, time, effort and care for the area has increased tenfold and I don't believe that to be an anomaly. There is a reason, and the reason is the awareness, care and strength of the mountain biking community in Charlottesville. Please continue to allow bicycles to sue Ragged Mountain for us and for the betterment of the area.

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    Harris Haynie 6 months ago

    I hope the board will change their policy to allow biking at Ragged mountain. Our family has spent numerous days there, on and off the bike, and believe the trails are a valuable resource for all types of recreation in the Charlottesville area. My son George is studying water quality at Virginia Tech and spent a summer testing water at Carvins Cove, the major water resource for Roanoke. Biking is abundant there and studies from the testing found no negative impact on the water quality from biking. I hope Albemarle can follow their experience.

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    Zoe Norton 6 months ago

    I grew up riding my bike and Ragged, hiking at Ragged and really just enjoying my time. Everyone deserves to use these trails and see the beauty of nature!!

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    Benjamin Jones 6 months ago

    My name is Ben Jones, and my family and I are Albemarle residents and taxpayers. We were drawn to the area 10+ years ago because of the beauty of the area along with the local, easily accessible outdoor areas, including the Ragged Mtn trails. We feel fortunate to have the opportunity to raise our kids to be healthy, well-rounded citizens and have access to areas in which to do so that do not discriminate based on socioeconomic status. My wife and I were candidly surprised to discover that free access to a local, easily accessible area for health and fitness in a beautiful setting was even up for debate in Albemarle, where we've always considered our leaders to be forward-thinking, pro-health, pro-community, and pro-science. We want to call upon those leaders to recognize the science and reality that running and mountain biking do not contribute to the degradation of our water supply as identified by the authority charged with protecting it. Thank you.