Biscuit Run State Park included horse trails; when it became Biscuit Run (Albemarle County) Park, the horse trails were eliminated or "scrapped" as one of your members commented. I call for the reinstitution of horseback riding at Biscuit Run Park with 1200 acres of riding trail availability. At the Community Check In meeting on January 29, Jody Falardo, Community Development Director for Albemarle County, stated the timing to suggest interest in equestrian trails " is spot on".
Implementation Objective Action 6.1 says, "construct and maintain sustainable new trails , for hiking, mountain biking, and Horseback riding, providing a variety of different trail options for different trail users".
The County seems to think there was no interest in adding horse trails to Biscuit Run Park. Indeed there is!
Kathy Kuhlmann
Rivanna District
1570 Lonesome Mountain Hollow
Charlottesville, Virginia
2. The importance of supporting the horse business and horse owners, conservation, Albemarle history of great horse riders (Rodney Jenkins, Elliewood Baxter, etc), and the prospective home buyers with horses who need good riding parks and facilities.
3. The many beautiful horse farms in Albemarle need to be protected and supported.
4. The AC44 (Albemarle Comprehensive Plan 2044) has no mention of land use for horse owners, breeders, and horse farms to include farm use tax deductions. The farm use deductions for horse farm owners, which were in the 2015 Comprehensive Plan, are not mentioned in the Comprehensive Plan (2024-2044) going forward. They need to add that back into the Comprehensive Plan.
Michael Schram
5899 Gordonsville Rd
Biscuit Run State Park included horse trails; when it became Biscuit Run (Albemarle County) Park, the horse trails were eliminated or "scrapped" as one of your members commented. I call for the reinstitution of horseback riding at Biscuit Run Park with 1200 acres of riding trail availability. At the Community Check In meeting on January 29, Jody Falardo, Community Development Director for Albemarle County, stated the timing to suggest interest in equestrian trails " is spot on".
Implementation Objective Action 6.1 says, "construct and maintain sustainable new trails , for hiking, mountain biking, and Horseback riding, providing a variety of different trail options for different trail users".
The County seems to think there was no interest in adding horse trails to Biscuit Run Park. Indeed there is!
Kathy Kuhlmann
Rivanna District
1570 Lonesome Mountain Hollow
Charlottesville, Virginia
Dear Representatives:
I wholeheartedly endorse the comments below:
2. The importance of supporting the horse business and horse owners, conservation, Albemarle history of great horse riders (Rodney Jenkins, Elliewood Baxter, etc), and the prospective home buyers with horses who need good riding parks and facilities.
3. The many beautiful horse farms in Albemarle need to be protected and supported.
4. The AC44 (Albemarle Comprehensive Plan 2044) has no mention of land use for horse owners, breeders, and horse farms to include farm use tax deductions. The farm use deductions for horse farm owners, which were in the 2015 Comprehensive Plan, are not mentioned in the Comprehensive Plan (2024-2044) going forward. They need to add that back into the Comprehensive Plan.
Michael Schram
5899 Gordonsville Rd