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Agenda Item
7. From the Public: Matters on the Agenda but Not Listed for Public Hearing or on Matters Previously Considered by the Board or Matters that are Pending Before the Board.
The Year in Review: for some of us in Southern Albemarle County, this year included being exposed to the incredible fumes from biosolids that were spread on hundreds of acres up and down Plank Road.
We, neighbors, did some research and discovered that:
• Biosolids is a nice name for Sewage Sludge.
• Sludge is a mix of industrial and municipal waste.
• Using this sludge as fertilizer has made people sick, killed livestock, fish, and wildlife.
• Despite decades of citizen protest, Virginia is one of the most permissive states when it comes to spreading sludge.
• Maine and Michigan have begun to systematically test sludge and they have found it full of “forever chemicals” like PFAS. Maine has banned the practice and established a fund to compensate farmers who have lost their land and livelihood to PFAS contamination from sludge.
With PFAS, a new opportunity exists to revisit the county's position that it is powerless against the sludge industry. Please see the attached for more info..
The Year in Review: for some of us in Southern Albemarle County, this year included being exposed to the incredible fumes from biosolids that were spread on hundreds of acres up and down Plank Road.
We, neighbors, did some research and discovered that:
• Biosolids is a nice name for Sewage Sludge.
• Sludge is a mix of industrial and municipal waste.
• Using this sludge as fertilizer has made people sick, killed livestock, fish, and wildlife.
• Despite decades of citizen protest, Virginia is one of the most permissive states when it comes to spreading sludge.
• Maine and Michigan have begun to systematically test sludge and they have found it full of “forever chemicals” like PFAS. Maine has banned the practice and established a fund to compensate farmers who have lost their land and livelihood to PFAS contamination from sludge.
With PFAS, a new opportunity exists to revisit the county's position that it is powerless against the sludge industry. Please see the attached for more info..