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Agenda Item
7. From the Public: Matters on the Agenda but Not Listed for Public Hearing or on Matters Previously Considered by the Board or Matters that are Pending Before the Board.
As a father and avid supporter of outdoor recreation it is shortsighted to close access that has been in place for years to a certain group. The wear and tear from all trail users has been shown to be equal by many studies. User conflicts can be designed out by improving trails and not by excluding groups. Please reconsider your shortsighted proposal and restore bike access to ragged mountain
Andrew Rogers
Dear Board of Supervisors, I regret that I am unable to attend this meeting. However my family and I have been avid cyclists for many years. As the roads have become increasingly crowded and dangerous, mountain biking has become a major part of our lives. We ride multiple times per week and the ragged mountain reservoir is the best trail system in the county as well as the closest to our home. We are good neighbors and citizens and deserve to have our voices heard and to have access to this trail system. The current county policy appears outdated and out of touch. It is not based on evidence but of a bias against cyclists. Please remove the ban against cycling around the Ragged Mountain Reservoir and all county reservoirs where trails exist. Thank you. Zack and Becky Dameron
As a father and avid supporter of outdoor recreation it is shortsighted to close access that has been in place for years to a certain group. The wear and tear from all trail users has been shown to be equal by many studies. User conflicts can be designed out by improving trails and not by excluding groups. Please reconsider your shortsighted proposal and restore bike access to ragged mountain
Andrew Rogers
Dear Board of Supervisors, I regret that I am unable to attend this meeting. However my family and I have been avid cyclists for many years. As the roads have become increasingly crowded and dangerous, mountain biking has become a major part of our lives. We ride multiple times per week and the ragged mountain reservoir is the best trail system in the county as well as the closest to our home. We are good neighbors and citizens and deserve to have our voices heard and to have access to this trail system. The current county policy appears outdated and out of touch. It is not based on evidence but of a bias against cyclists. Please remove the ban against cycling around the Ragged Mountain Reservoir and all county reservoirs where trails exist. Thank you. Zack and Becky Dameron