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Agenda Item

2. 24-182 Public Hearing on the County Executive's FY 2025 Recommended Budget. To receive comments on the County Executive's FY 2024/2025 Recommended Budget.

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    Cathleen ButlerCisneros about 1 year ago

    Good evening.
    I am writing in support of Habitat for Humanity’s Southwood redevelopment. My family purchased a market rate home in the Spring and we have been enjoying getting to know our neighbors since then. We are committed to the complex work of supporting community in a multi-racial, multicultural, and mixed-income neighborhood. My husband has worked in the field of cross-cultural mediation and training for many years and we have begun to apply this work in our neighborhood by inviting neighbors to our home for meetings to learn about and practice effective models to support cross-cultural communication and conflict management. We hope to cultivate a well-informed group with the capacity to meet the challenges of our diverse neighborhood.
    Your ongoing support of this project signals that you stand with these families despite the differences that divide us. Thank you.

    Cathy Butler-Cisneros