Meeting Time: October 04, 2023 at 1:00pm EDT
Note: The online Request to Speak window has expired.
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

7. From the Public: Matters on the Agenda but Not Listed for Public Hearing or on Matters Previously Considered by the Board or Matters that are Pending Before the Board.

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    Rashmi Ghei over 1 year ago

    I live in the White Hall District. I would like to provide comment on the Transportation Priorities List. I feel that the BOS is not prioritizing the critical infrastructure and transportation needs in Crozet. The 250 connector project - one of the most visible projects in Crozet and part of the Crozet Master Plan, has been shifted to the second tier list. Another project that was shifted to the second tier list is sidewalks along Park Rd going to/from Crozet Park. A park that is used by many residents for swimming, baseball games, events, summer camp, etc. Right now, people are having to walk on a narrow street or in the grassy ditch. Cars are navigating around people and other cars. I do not feel comfortable having my child walk along Park Rd (the most direct path to the park) without sidewalks - it simply isn't safe. The Planning Commission and BOS continue to approve high density housing developments. We need responsible growth with supporting infrastructure. Thank you.