Meeting Time: September 06, 2023 at 1:00pm EDT
Note: The online Request to Speak window has expired.
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

7. From the Public: Matters on the Agenda but Not Listed for Public Hearing or on Matters Previously Considered by the Board or Matters that are Pending Before the Board.

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    Melissa Collier over 1 year ago

    Dear County Supervisors,
    I am commenting on behalf of the 85 members of Crozet’s Foothill Crossing HOA, specifically the families of the 30 homes on Park Ridge Dr, a 25 mph neighborhood street that often feels more like a speedway.
    Please vote YES to today’s resolution to initiate traffic calming on Park Ridge Dr in Crozet. By voting yes to a thorough VDOT traffic study and recommended traffic calming measures, you’ll protect the safety of school children at bus stops and riding bikes, along with a multitude of walkers, joggers, and parents pushing strollers.
    In the absence of the planned 240 to 250 connector, Park Ridge Dr serves as a daily through street for Crozet residents, as well as the many construction vehicles building out Crozet. It is increasingly dangerous to cross our wide street and pull out of our driveways, for fear of being hit by one of many speeding cars and trucks that fail to view Park Ridge as a neighborhood street. Near misses happen nearly daily. Thank you.

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    Earlysville Resident over 1 year ago

    Please reconsider the exception granted to Kindrick Farm allowing dump truck traffic through Earlysville Forest Drive six days per week. The volume of traffic is excessive, to the point that road surfaces have degraded. The heavy industrial trucks are polluting, noisy, and hazardous to foot and vehicle traffic on our narrow roads. The exception was allowed to permit importation of clean earth fill, but traffic has been intense and unrelenting - more consistent with commercial activity than conservation. Please conduct an on-site inspection, discontinue the special exemption, implement a traffic calming initiative, or all three.
