Meeting Time: November 16, 2022 at 2:00pm EST
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Agenda Item

10. 22-495 Electoral Board Implementation Requirements for Ranked Choice Voting.

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    Anabel Bowen over 2 years ago

    I am appalled that Albemarle County would consider ranked choice voting. Admittedly, I may have missed this item previously and maybe it's been discussed for some time. I urge you to reject this idea. I have been an Albermarle resident since 1997 (property owner since 1992), have volunteered as a poll watcher at times and have been voting since 1968. Elections here have been generally fair and proper. Ranked choice voting has been shown to disenfranchise voters, allow marginal candidates to win even though other candidates may have received more votes and is seen as confusing and complicated. We need to make voting as simple as possible. It forces a voter to indicate a vote for a candidate for whom the voter may have strong objections. With ranked choice, the voter may not know who is the real candidate after first round. This is unfair to voters without the time or inlcination to study more than 2 candidates or without mental acuity allowing full understanding of a confusing system.