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Agenda Item
18. 22-420 ZMA202100013 Southwood Phase 2. PROJECT: ZMA202100013 Southwood Phase 2 (Signs #50 and 53) MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: Scottsville TAX MAP/PARCEL(S): 090A1-00-00-001D0, 090A0-00-00-001C0, 090A0-00-00-00400 LOCATION: Southwood Mobile Home Park located along Old Lynchburg Road (State Route 631) off of Hickory Street approximately 350 feet from Ambrose Commons Drive and approx. 1,900 feet from Oak Hill Drive. PROPOSAL: Rezone property from residential to a mixed use- mixed housing development. PETITION: Rezone 93.32 acres from R2 Residential zoning district, which allows residential uses at a density of 2 units per acre, to Neighborhood Model District (NMD), which allows residential uses at a density of 3-34 units per acres, mixed with commercial, service, and industrial uses. A maximum of 1,000 units are proposed for a gross density of approximately 10.7 units per acre and a net density of approximately 13.5 units per acre. A minimum of 10,000 square feet of non-residential uses are proposed and up to a maximum of 60,000 non-residential square footage. OVERLAY DISTRICT(S): Flood Hazard Overlay District; Steep Slopes- Managed and Preserved PROFFERS: Yes COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Parks and Green Systems - parks, playgrounds, play fields, greenways, trails, paths, recreational facilities and equipment, plazas, outdoor sitting areas, natural areas, preservation of stream buffers, floodplains and steep slopes adjacent to rivers and streams; Urban Density Residential - residential (6.01-34 units/acre); supporting uses such as places of worship, schools, public and institutional uses, neighborhood scale commercial, office, and service uses with a Center in the Southern Neighborhood within the Southern and Western Urban Area Master Plan.