Meeting Time: November 03, 2021 at 1:00pm EDT
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Agenda Item

7. From the Public: Matters Not Listed for Public Hearing on the Agenda or on Matters Previously Considered by the Board or Matters that are Pending Before the Board.

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    Alec Soltes over 3 years ago

    Fairness is often seen as an important aspect of a voting system. When people talk of election fairness, they often refer to an electoral outcome in terms of the number of seats won by a party that is proportional to its vote share. Unfortunately, single member districts by definition cannot produce proportionate electoral results.

    The vast majority of established democracies which specifically employ proportional representation in their elections don't have this problem. Proportional representation rules ensure that if a party gets ten percent of the vote, they get ten percent of the seats up for election. Countries with proportional representation vary using either no districts or districts that return multiple representatives.

    It is time for us to join the 100+ countries that incorporate some element of proportional representation in their national legislatures.