Meeting Time: February 03, 2021 at 1:00pm EST
Note: The online Request to Speak window has expired.
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

When called to the speaker's podium, state your name and magisterial district; Address comments directly to the Board as a whole; Give written statements and other supporting material to the Clerk; If you represent a group or organization, you may ask others present to raise their hands and be recognized; If you exceed your allotted time, you will be asked to end your comments; If a speaker does not use all allocated time, the unused time may not be shared with another speaker; Speakers are permitted one opportunity to comment during each of the public comment periods per meeting; Back-and-forth debate is prohibited; Do not speak from your seat or out of turn; Persons in the audience are encouraged to raise their hands to indicate their support or opposition to speakers at the podium or any item during the meeting; Please refrain from applause and other forms of approval or disapproval, as a courtesy to each speaker; Signs are permitted in the meeting room so long as they are not attached to any stick or pole and do not obstruct the view of persons attending the meeting.