Meeting Time: January 20, 2021 at 1:00pm EST
Note: The online Request to Speak window has expired.
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

10. 21-166 County Mission Statement Revision.

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    Edgar Lara about 4 years ago

    I am a Marine Corps veteran and board member of Sin Barreras or Without Barriers. I wish I could be present for this meeting and had signed up to speak, but, unfortunately, I won’t be able to attend after all.

    We see and speak to hundreds of families that are doing the best they can to be law abiding members of our community and hoping to live in peace. These people exist and are important parts of our community, despite many of them not being citizens.

    The pandemic we’re still living through has shown us how connected we are and how much we depend on each other. Ignoring our duty to care for all of our neighbors is not only wrong, but it’s harmful to our community, physically, mentally and spiritually; that type of thinking comes at a harmful price and we should know better and do better today.

    I see this change as a big step forward and wish I could be there to see you vote to approve this wonderful and meaningful improvement.