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Agenda Item

2.1 Review of Key Recommendations from Draft Housing Policy.

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    Garrett Trent over 4 years ago

    Hello, my name is Garrett Trent, and I live in Charlottesville, VA. I support the draft housing policy and want to commend the hard work that has gone in to it. In connection with IMPACT, I am especially in support of the proposed establishment of an Affordable Housing Trust Fund. Before this pandemic, over 4,000 families in Albemarle County paid over half their income on housing, and this crisis has only gotten worse in the past few months. Establishing an affordable housing trust fund--and ensuring it is well funded with at least $5 million a year--will allow us to meet the growing need for more affordable housing and help these families that are most struggling

    I'm also in support of revising the proffer policy. As you are aware, the County’s current affordable housing proffer policy has produced only 45 units that have gone to low income occupants over the last 20 years. Please exclude any allowance based on the rental/sales price of a unit.

    Thank you for your important work!