Meeting Time: October 07, 2020 at 1:00pm EDT
Note: The online Request to Speak window has expired.
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Agenda Item

9. 20-514 Final Phase 1 Climate Action Plan.

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    David Redding over 4 years ago

    I would like to thank Greg Harper and the CAP team for moving a number of items to “immediately actionable”. We need to move forward with the CAP plan soon. Doing so will provide support for all who are suffering from wildfires and hurricanes caused by Climate Change now and in the future.
    Please move on using the PPA's to put solar on the county buildings.

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    Christine Putnam over 4 years ago

    Thank you for your leadership and work on the Climate Action Plan. I look forward to the initiation of Phase 2. Addressing climate change will make our community stronger and more resilient.

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    Kirk Bowers over 4 years ago

    We, the Sierra Club, strongly support the Climate Action plan. Albemarle County has done an excellent job in developing a Climate Action Plan There are two suggestions that I would like to make for your consideration:

    Use Power Purchase Agreements to install solar systems on school facilities that don't have solar systems. Fairfax/Arlington County have existing Purchase Power Agreements that the County can use to procure solar systems. This is an action item that could be implemented soon.

    Initiate Phase 2 of the CAP soon. In order to implement Phase 2 of the plan, all County government departments should be engaged.

    Thank you.